Thursday, October 18, 2007

Giving vent to the charitable impulse

If you've been following my blog since it started a few weeks ago, you'll notice I have rapidly digressed into reproducing articles that highlight various human and ecological disasters. As my son Ryan says, things are looking rather 'bloggy' over here.

Yes, I've been hitting the skids lately, sliding into the melancholia that results whenever I pause to read the paper or watch the TV news. Bad news, that is. And it's everywhere.

And then there is 'The Hour', George Stroumboulopoulos's talk show on CBC. The eccentricities of George's little lower lip 'stache have given me something to live for - that and the amazing interviews he does. Sometimes they're goofy (the Foo Fighters), sometimes touching (June Callwood) but last night there was one that actually got me off the couch and into action.

The interviewee was the brilliant and (previously) troubled young genius Tom Williams who was a hired wiz kid at Apple at the age of 14. Tom, who it seemed had everything, almost drank it all away until he realized the essential problem of his existence was that he lacked a sense of fulfillment.

This realization drove him to create the website, a site that hosts and promotes charitable causes worldwide. Today I went to look at the site and immediately found 2 projects and 1 proposal that I couldn't refuse to fund. With a few clicks, I'd given the equivalent of a couple of bottles of house wine, plus another one for GiveMeaning itself which runs on donations.

I will be receiving a tax receipt for my donations by email, but it really doesn't matter. What does is that at last I've a found a reliable place to research worthy causes where I can donate anonymously in amounts only I know about, plus I can choose not to be contacted directly by the charities I'm funding. No more phone calls, no more junk mail.

It's a win, win, win situation and I highly recommend you check it out.

To see George's interview with Tom, paste the address below into your URL, but give it a minute to upload the video.

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