Friday, November 2, 2007

Canadian feds green...around the gills?

Here's a woozy little item you might have missed in the Halloween edition of the Montreal Gazette.

According to Ron Thompson, the acting commissioner of the environment and sustainable development, "the federal government is drifting away from green policies through vague strategies that appear to leave no one accountable for failures."

In his report tabled as part of the auditor general's report, Thompson said, "It is not clear to us whether or how individual departments, or Environment Canada as the lead department for the overall initiative, have been held accountable by the government for the generally poor quality of strategies over the past decade or for failing to demonstrate their individual and collective progress toward their sustainable development strategy goals."

All of which is to say that where green policies are concerned, the federal government is so adrift in a sea of incompetence it's achieved SNAFU status. (For those of you who don't know, that's 'Situation Normal, All Fucked Up.')

Is there anything we, as individuals, can do besides shaking our heads? Yes. Vote for the only party with Green in the title and see what happens.

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