Thursday, November 1, 2007

Will injecting CO2 into the ground make Earth farts?

Also in the Montreal Gazette on Oct. 28 was an article entitled "Fight against warming goes underground'. The article was summarizing a presentation made during the conference 'Climate 2050 - Technology and Policy Solutions.'

Apparently the earth has reached some sort of saturation level and is no longer absorbing CO2 at previous rates, so scientists are considering injecting the gas deep into the earth's innards in order to avoid the disasters of climate change.

So far, only companies who can make a buck from the technology are going for it. It turns out the gas can be used to 'flush out' the last vestiges of crude from spent oil reservoirs. But Truman T. Semans of the PEW Centre on Global Climate Change says it has to be one part of a 'multi-pronged solution' if the world is to avoid environmental and economic disaster.

Environmentalists are understandably wary. They're afraid that as long as carbon capture and storage are considered viable solutions, the development of other better sources of energy such as wind, solar and small hydro electric projects will be stalled.

You do the math.

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